
Speak your Thoughts. Build an Audience.

Unlock the power of your voice with Jet Creative's comprehensive podcasting services. From expert recording to seamless editing, we ensure your message shines through. Let us handle the technicalities while you focus on delivering compelling content to your audience.

We help with:

  • Recording

  • Editing

  • Distribution

$2,750 $2,500
Start-up Podcast Package
(ReBloom discount!)

Welcome to Jet Creative's Podcast Start-Up Package! We're excited to help you kickstart your podcasting journey and amplify your brand's voice in the digital space. Our comprehensive package includes everything you need to launch your podcast successfully:

  • Technical Equipment Consultation

    We'll provide expert advice on the best technical equipment suited for your podcasting needs. Whether it's microphones, headphones, audio interfaces, or recording software, we'll ensure you have the right tools to produce high-quality content.

  • Platform Set-Up

    Our team will handle the set-up process for all major podcasting platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and more. We'll use your branding information to create a cohesive presence across all platforms, maximizing your visibility and audience reach.

  • Cover Art Development

    Leveraging your current branding elements, we'll design captivating cover art that reflects the essence of your podcast. Our goal is to create eye-catching visuals that entice potential listeners and align with your brand identity.

  • Technical Guidance

    From RSS feed creation to audio hosting platforms, we'll guide you through every technical aspect of podcasting. Our team will ensure a smooth setup process, eliminating any obstacles along the way and providing ongoing support as needed.

  • Intro and Outro Music Composition

    We'll work closely with you to develop custom intro and outro music that sets the tone for your podcast. Whether you're aiming for a lively, upbeat vibe or a more professional and polished sound, we'll tailor the music to suit your brand image and audience preferences.

  • Podcast Editing Services

    As part of our package, we'll edit your first podcast episode using our streamlined recording process. From noise reduction to seamless transitions, we'll polish your audio content to perfection, ensuring a professional listening experience for your audience.


One-Page Website & Blog Package: $850

Introducing Jet Creative's all-inclusive One-Page Website & Blog Package, designed specifically to showcase you as the host, provide insights into the background of your podcast, and offer a convenient platform to store and distribute your episodes across social media channels. Here's what this package includes:

  • Custom One-Page Website Design:

    We will craft a visually stunning and user-friendly one-page website tailored to your preferences and branding. The website will prominently feature you as the host, highlighting your expertise, personality, and unique selling points to captivate visitors.

  • Podcast Background Section:

    We'll create a dedicated section on the web page to provide background information about your podcast. This section will give visitors insight into the theme, goals, and vision of your podcast, creating a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience.

  • Integrated Blog for Podcast Storage:

    Our package includes the integration of a fully functional blog section where you can store all your podcast episodes for easy access and distribution.
    Each episode will have its dedicated page within the blog, complete with audio playback options, show notes, and any additional information you wish to include.

  • Social Media Integration:

    We'll seamlessly integrate social media sharing buttons and links throughout the website, allowing visitors to easily share your episodes on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. This integration enhances the visibility of your podcast and encourages organic promotion through social sharing.

  • Responsive Design:

    Your one-page website and blog will be optimized for seamless viewing across all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
    Our responsive design ensures that your content looks polished and professional regardless of the device used by your audience.

  • Content Management System (CMS):

    We provide a user-friendly CMS that allows you to easily update and manage your website content, including adding new podcast episodes, editing text, and uploading images.

Monthly Podcast Management Package $750/mon:

  • Editing:

    We offer professional editing for up to 2 podcasts per month using Jet Creative's simplified recording process. Our experienced team will enhance the audio quality, remove any unwanted elements, and ensure a smooth flow throughout the episode.
    Each podcast will undergo up to 2 rounds of edits to guarantee that it aligns perfectly with your vision and meets the highest standards of quality.

  • Platform Management:

    We handle the logistics of uploading your episodes to all major podcasting platforms, including but not limited to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and more. Our team will input titles and summaries for each episode, optimizing them for searchability and attracting your target audience.

  • Episode Cover Art:

    We will create cover art for each individual episode to help it differentiate from the others.

  • Technical Support:

    Our technical support team will be available to assist you with any ongoing technical setups or obstacles that you may encounter, ensuring a seamless podcasting experience.

  • Continuous Guidance:

    We provide ongoing guidance and support to help you navigate the evolving landscape of podcasting, offering tips, strategies, and best practices to maximize the impact of your content.

Highlighted Podcasts

Interested in discussing your podcast needs with us?